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The postcard technique

Step one: write or visualize the names of the people who matter most to you in each corner

  • These names are unique to you, they are the people you call with the best and worst news possible that will be there for you.

  • If you feel you can’t fill all four corners, that is ok.

Step two: write or mentally create your unique statement. Three short sentences (25 words total) of who you are, what you stand for and what you stand against.

Step three: reflect on your postcard when you need support or to feel more connected to your life and purpose. Consider:

  • Did you do the best you could to live your unique statement today in words and actions?

  • Did you do the best you could to end your work day feeling empowered?

  • What could you do or stop doing to spend more time and focus on living your unique statement?

  • Would the names on your postcard agree that you lived your whole self today?

Step four: write or think of one thing you will do tomorrow that brings you closer to your unique statement and the names on your postcard.

pg tip: this is your postcard, you can change it and update any part of it as you continue to grow and define what you stand for, and what you stand against. Be bold!

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