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So really, um, I just think, maybe

Let’s talk about word choices. When we are crisp, concise and thoughtful, we are viewed as knowledgeable, focused and engaged. When we are not clear and ramble or use a lot of filler words, we don’t come across as the powerhouse we are.

At pg, we’d like to offer a list of words that we’ve cut from our vocabulary that might serve you too:

  • Just

  • I was just thinking

  • Perhaps we could maybe

  • No, but

  • Oh ok, that wasn’t maybe clear

  • I’m not sure what to do next, but we probably should or could

  • What about if we maybe

  • I hope it’s ok to ask

  • I’m so sorry to bug you

  • Sorry to be a pain

  • I was just wondering

What’s your word(s) no longer serving you that you want to eliminate?

Let’s replace these words with a bottom line on top (BLOT) approach - say what you mean, need and the priority in the first sentence:

Name, I am leading X project and want to update you so we can shape it together; are you free for 15 minutes on a date of convenience to discuss capacity and responsibilities?


Hi, Name!

I hope you’re well, and it’s crazy we’re in March already, right?! I am so sorry to bug you, I’ve just been given this project, and I’m not sure what to do with it. I hate to bother you, but maybe you might have time to work on it with me - is that an ok ask? I know that might not be a fair ask, though, so no problem if not.

Anyway, let me know when you have a chance - I know this week is probably crazy, haha!

Be clear and BLOT it. Your career thanks you.


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If you're curious about what we're all about, let us introduce ourselves. We're Permission Granted (pg for short). At pg, we believe that you are uniquely positioned to grant yourself permission to embrace your true potential. We aim to serve as a catalyst for self-discovery, providing customized resources and valuable tools drawn from our own experiences and leading practice.

Our blog is for anyone who believes in their ability to create positive change, who wants to invest in personal or professional growth, or are looking for a supportive and uplifting community. Whether you're a young professional navigating the complexities of your career, a newcomer seeking a new community, or a seasoned pro looking to stay sharp, our blog offers something pragmatic and purpose-driven for everyone. 

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