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How to figure out your values

At permission granted, we aim to make useful resources accessible to people.

"Too often successful people turn around and pull the ladder up behind them." - Dorie Clark, The Long Game

We aim to draw on our own experiences by sharing and creating resources that help others build their own successes. We wanted to share free resources that we have found helpful for figuring out our values. But first what are values and why do they matter?

What are values?

Values reflect your sense of what is important, meaningful, and worthwhile, and serve as a guiding framework for decision-making, behavior and actions. They are deeply-held convictions that influence how a person perceives and interacts with the world around them.

Why are values so important?

At pg, we talk, and provide pragmatic tools focused on values and that's because our own values of empowerment, authenticity, creativity, kindness and growth underpin everything we do. We believe that words and action must align with your purpose.

Living in alignment with one's values can bring a sense of authenticity, purpose, and fulfillment, while disregarding or neglecting one's values can lead to feelings of internal conflict, dissatisfaction, and inconsistency.

In a professional context, when we are pushed to operate outside of our values due to the culture of our organization or because of the behavior of other individuals this can lead to a greater level of stress and a higher chance of burnout. Finding a career and organization that aligns with our values can be the key to feeling more fulfilled, motivated and purposeful. In order to do that though, we first must figure out what values are most important to us.

So how do I figure out my values?

Here are three great resources that can get you started on figuring out your values today:

pg takeway: Knowing your values is a critical part of self awareness because it helps you align your words and actions. Values are the key to making decisions that are best for us and fosters connection with self and others. By using the tools and resources we’ve provided here, you start the first step to diving in and identifying your personal values.


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If you're curious about what we're all about, let us introduce ourselves. We're Permission Granted (pg for short). At pg, we believe that you are uniquely positioned to grant yourself permission to embrace your true potential. We aim to serve as a catalyst for self-discovery, providing customized resources and valuable tools drawn from our own experiences and leading practice.

Our blog is for anyone who believes in their ability to create positive change, who wants to invest in personal or professional growth, or are looking for a supportive and uplifting community. Whether you're a young professional navigating the complexities of your career, a newcomer seeking a new community, or a seasoned pro looking to stay sharp, our blog offers something pragmatic and purpose-driven for everyone. 

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