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Free Resources

We get it, information overload is a real thing, that's why we've curated a selection of our favourite free resources alongside our handy quick guides. If you'd rather speak to someone, then join one of our free Clinics.

Helpful Links

We believe that pragmatism is a professional sanity. We’ve curated some resources we have tried & tested that have helped us and we want to share them with you. 

7 day challenge

The 7 Day Empowerment Challenge

Our free 7 day empowerment challenge is designed to be a fun and creative way to start living empowered. Each day, you’ll learn about a core element of empowerment, complete a follow up action to practice what you have learnt, and we’ll give you the tools and resources to take your learning further.

Clinic sessions

Getting real-time answers can make a big difference. We offer clinic time to work through your problems with empathy and pragmatism.

Upcoming Events

Quick Guides

Confused by modern workplace language? Need help understanding the jargon? Or perhaps you know what the words mean but you don't know how to put them in action.


Our quick guides are just that, a quick and easy entry point to workplace jargon accompanied by practical resources and supporting links.

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