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Corporate Services

Let’s build a cohesive workplace together.

How do we benefit your business?

Research shows organizations with stronger employee engagement are overall 23% more profitable.


They also experience:
Improved customer satisfaction
Reduced employee turnover
Better teamwork and higher productivity
Enhanced well-being and lower absenteeism



Why work with pg?

We have spent our collective 35 years of experience working in strengthening client and employee engagement in order to drive results. We live our values of Growth, Empowerment, Kindness, Creativity, Authenticity in everything we do. 


We know how valuable your time is and we value our own. In a world made for transactional likes, vague aspirations and endless to do’s, we wanted to offer something real and true to our collective needs. 


Our work is to empower you and your teams by building pragmatism, kindness, and wholeness as the antidote to burnout cultures, career hopelessness and disconnection.

What do we offer?

We create bespoke experiences to suit every business size and culture. These include talks, workshops, team consultation and 1:1 consultation.

Alongside overall team awareness and satisfaction building, our areas of focus include:

Living your brand

Building internal cultures, behaviors and processes that reflect your brand values in a way that creates authentic businesses from inside out.

Change and transformation

Helping navigate change in efficient and effective ways that bring teams along on the journey.


Empowered communication techniques that underpin your needs. Dealing with difficult clients or stakeholders, handling pitches or building lasting engagement strategies.

Collaboration and innovation

Creating teams that are empowered to bring fresh thinking and new ideas to the table.


We work with new or seasoned leaders to help them refine their approaches and style. We can help leadership teams work better together.

Crisis management

Guidance and hands on processes and training that is critical for your reputation pre, during and post crisis.

What’s the investment?

We want our services to help people, and stay accessible. Therefore we develop bespoke packages for businesses based on your goals, objectives and greatest challenges. For us, this is more than a passion project, it’s living empowered so we walk the talk on lifting others up in a way that is valuable.


Let’s build a stronger workplace together.

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